Redefining The Culture of DISTRIBUTION

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At Rock Harbor We Are Taking a Whole New Approach to Marketing & Distribution 

We are a marketing & distribution firm offering sales, consulting, and national account services. Our deep experience in this industry has driven us to create a unique winning strategy that changes the traditional model of marketing and distribution. 

Our People Make the Difference: We are highly selective in our staffing, and focus on attracting and retaining seasoned experts driven to optimize distribution for our partners.

As an asset manager, if you are looking for more penetration in this competitive market, contact us and see how our approach may offer you a unique advantage.

Why we founded Rock Harbor

Sean Ritchlin

“After spending a decade in the wholesale industry, I saw an opportunity for a different way to distribute financial strategies to advisors across the country. Traditional wholesale models can get bogged down in activity tracking and an overwhelming amount of product to sell, leading to massive frustration on the sales and management teams alike. By developing a team focused on a smaller product mix from a few asset mangers, we sensed we could change the long-standing way of distribution. We believe combining a digital approach along with a PEOPLE approach offers the best combination for wholesalers to have the freedom to perform. This model has proven to be extremely successful for our business, and more importantly, for our partners.

How We Perform For Our Clients and Partners

Looking for a Career that is as Performance Driven as You Are?

“ Learn more about how we are re-defining the marketing & distribution industry by attracting and rewarding world class sales talent ready for that next level in their career”.

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The Rock Harbor Market Insider

Featured team member

Mackey Daniel 

Joining Rock Harbor in June of 2015, Mackey is one of our team veterans. He currently serves as a Regional Vice President for Indiana/Michigan/Northern CA, in addition to being Rock Harbor's Vice President of Research. In his current role, Mackey applies his analytical skills and research capabilities to investment products and markets to provide insights for our team and our clients.

Mackey graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor's Degree in biomedical Laboratory Sciences, and he was also an Evans Scholar.

Phone: (248) 231-9470


Latest News Post

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Rock Harbor is Expanding - Join Our Team!
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